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- Magee, Jamie
Imperial ((Imperial) Web of Hearts and Souls) Page 13
Imperial ((Imperial) Web of Hearts and Souls) Read online
Page 13
“Ah, the plot thickens. Not only will you uphold the king you love over those under you, but you do not think your actions through.”
A bolt of my energy landed him square on his bottom and held him there.
His stare was only a few feet below me now, so I leaned forward so he would catch the full effect of my glare. “Let me be clear to you. If I could feel such emotion, I would because Vade is a great king. One that rules with a sound mind and puts his people first because he found me in a state much like you are in and showed me compassion for the first time in my existence. I did not think my actions through, I will grant you that, but let me explain why. It was because the wrath that I am, the wrath that is pulsing through your soul, had seized that right from me. I thought I had all the answers, every square inch of my issues resolved, and only one sacrifice was needed for that to occur. I would have never left you or any other in the hands of the king that found you. Right now, you are repeating my mistakes and that king is playing you for a fool.”
“What king?” he seethed.
“Xavier. The king of shock. How many times has he shocked you, that adored of yours?”
“He is pure evil,” Silas fumed, clearly not recognizing the title of king, and I respected him for that.
“Evil that knows how to use wrath against you. Xavier played you.”
“And I will end him for it. That is, unless you love him, too.”
I wish he would quit saying that word. It was so hard to face the fact that I could not feel such a thing or even state it.
“I do not.”
“But you do love the other king, the one that reeks of mint. The one who has one of his squires firmly bent on consuming the girl I love.”
“He would do no such a thing.”
“Draven has tried more than once.”
“Tried, or has had trouble balancing who he is with who she is?”
“What is the difference? If nature itself protests the love, then it cannot exist.”
“Easy come, easy go, Silas. She came easily to you. You were literally taken to her side, and she left your side just as easily. This boy you fight—Draven, is that his name?—and this girl you adore did not find each other easily, and they will not let go of each other easily. Xavier knows if you kill him, you strike the most powerful king at his core and in turn bring tragedy to our line. You have been played, and it is time to wake up and come home.”
“I am home.”
“No, you are a lost child entangled in a web against the king that stole you from me.”
“You are the one that is lost, outdated, and blind.”
The energy encasing us rippled, and the aroma of mint seeped through. I wasn’t entirely sure how Vade had heard those scornful words from where he was, but I knew if I did not put Silas in his place Vade surely would.
Silas wrinkled his nose and cleared his throat, as if the scent were agony to him.
“I have limited choices with you. I’m not standing between you and someone you adore. I’m protecting your life. If you continue your pursuit against that squire, you leave me no choice but to permanently stop you.”
No comment. Just a cold stare from him.
“Back away from the girl. Come home and let me show you what a true Escort does.”
“I do not love her to spite anyone.” Silas’ eyes bore into me. “If I come with you and lose the right to feel the emotion that each soul is created with, I will perish. Now, I don’t know what you did to my head or why I smell and see things differently, but something tells me that coming back with you, dying instantly, will do nothing but harm you and the others that you have left behind.”
“Why would death come to you? I’m offering you a clear vision, a way out of this prison your heart and wrath have trapped you within.”
“You are clearly unaware that no matter what you claim I was before or should be that right now I am a Witness. If I forget to love, I die.”
“Your Witness life will die. Not the Escort.”
“Not that it matters, but how sure are you of that? How many people have crossed this line you are asking me to?”
“One of a kind. I like that.”
“Like it or not, this is over. You will fight from a different perspective with a higher cause.”
“A higher cause.” He smirked. “You have no idea what I fight for.”
“A girl that cannot adore the same as you do.”
“No.” His eyes grew cold. “I’m more than aware of where Charlie and I stand. That she raised me to this life and left me. But I do not love her for any misguided reasons, or even for the sake of my existence. I love her—feel love—so that I can fight against the evil that is bred here and bring our tomorrow into life. You see, my sovereign, my love for Charlie is a necessary evil.”
The scent of mint intensified, though there was no rumble in the energy.
“Are you telling me that you can feel that emotion for her and not hurt another Escort?”
Silas glanced to his side to the waiting war that was still paused. “No. I plan to kill at least a hundred as soon as you set me free.”
“Those are not Escorts.”
“Then what are they?”
I almost used Rasp’s word, but I held back. “Evil. Evil that you can kill all day long. It is the true Escorts that you cannot harm.”
He clenched his jaw. “When Draven takes energy from Charlie, he kills her, which kills me. I have to stop that so I can live out my duty. A necessary evil.”
“There will be no duty to live out because you will end up killing yourself. How is that not clear to you? How do you not see that Xavier wants this to occur? You are connected to me, therefore connected to Vade and his line, this Draven boy.”
“It’s clear. I know this is a dance with fate, but I rather liked dancing when I tried it before. I’m not going with you. I have a battle to end and a charge to fulfill.”
“You deserve time to mull over this awakening, and that will be afforded to you. Let me be clear: if you do not accept this heritage—if you continue your threats against our kind, I will have but two choices: I either imprison you or smite you where you stand. Neither would not bring me any comfort.”
I let my energy clear so he could see out, so he could see those clones of evil. Mazing was just before Rasp, out of my sight, but I knew she was there. With one thought, I struck each and every one of those clones of evil. One thought was all it took. Instant demise.
My eyes moved back to him. “Now your battle is over. I suggest you find a nice place to sit and think. I will return for you before the next moonrise.”
I released the hold on him, but before he could rise I moved my essence back to the springs, finding Rasp and Mazing at my side.
Chapter Eleven
That did not go the way I wanted it to at all, but I had to hide that from Rasp and Mazing, which didn’t seem like it was going to be hard. Mazing was having a complete come apart; she was pacing viciously and trembling violently as she took in deep, gasping breaths. Rasp was doing his best to help her and figure out what was wrong by pacing at her side, saying her name, and trying to get her to snap out of wherever she was in her head.
My essence reached for her and took the overload of wrath, anger, and terrified emotions that were swarming through her. That took her down a notch or two. One glance into her mind showed me that Colton, the memory of him, was amping her up. She must have caught the scent of lilies in The Realm just before.
One second later, she nodded, telling me she was in control. So she wouldn’t feel self-conscious, I acted like nothing happened by talking to Rasp.
“Did you wipe the memories of those two Witnesses with Silas?” I asked him.
He furrowed his brow at Mazing, gave her a once over, then answered me. “Before we even stopped time, they’re young. Probably the only reason why it was so easy.”
“Great,” I said under my breath. Maybe those two were part of the
reason Silas was holding back. He was their leader.
Maybe I should have asked more questions. Listened more intently to him.
“Rasp, I’m done. Vade has made it clear that he wants to see me. You can go.”
Rasp seemed somewhat disappointed that that was as far as I was going today, but he vanished anyway.
I glanced to my side to find Mazing staring at the dark springs.
“Are you all right?” I nearly whispered, seeing how vacant yet alert her stare was.
“I have to figure out why I can still sense Colton.”
“You will stay far away from him,” I ordered, still not knowing how at risk she really was, if the coupling she confessed to had any merit in the eyes of the Creator.
“I think it’s her. That petal. She must know I am out and is seeking a duel.”
“That, you will not engage in or honor without my consent.”
“I wouldn’t, but you know that any act of war is null and void at this point. The lines have already been drawn.”
I knew this warrior to her core. She was right. That Cadence girl very well could be taunting her, holding the scent of Colton out so that if or when we returned, she would know, they all would know. I never imagined that Mazing and I would end up in the Veil, a personal guest of the Reaper, but maybe those other kings knew that was a possibility.
“I will let you leave here—cloaked—to hunt. You will report back to me any findings. You will not engage anyone. Rasp will travel with you.”
At that moment, Rasp appeared again.
“Well, you’re highly tuned in,” I said with a mere glance to him.
“Or a skilled eavesdropper,” Mazing said with absolutely no thrill in her voice; she knew what was coming next.
“Rasp will go with you.”
“Of course he will,” she said with heavy sarcasm.
“What have I done to you?” Rasp said, matching her glare.
“I don’t like the way you look at me.”
“I don’t like the fact that you fell for someone from the line of shock. That you put everyone’s life on the line for the sake of a fever, but you don’t see me throwing that drama in your face.”
“You just did, you tool.”
“Do you want me to throw it in your face? Tell you what, instead of hunting some low-lying, despicable petal, why don’t I give you a tour of The Realm? Why don’t we sit down and I explain to you the raw anger that had eaten my king alive? Why don’t I describe how hard it was to find your line and bring them here? Why don’t I tell you how hungry they were, how vulnerable.”
I raised my hands to stop the bickering, but they were both amped up at this point.
“Tell me he was worth it. I dare you,” Rasp said with a glare as he leaned forward and I dove between them.
“He was, you bastard! He was worth every ounce of that heartache. Who would say that about you? Who would sacrifice what I have for the likes of you?”
Rasp smirked as his scowl all but burned her where she stood. “You! At one time, you.”
Mazing tensed but had no words. They had both hurt each other, but that was fine; now that the truth was spoken, they could work through the pain, something I could not aid them with, that they had to do on their own.
“Mazing, if you leave here you are leaving with him. And when the two of you return, you will be over this fight.”
That was a command that they each knew they had to obey. They vanished at that moment.
I threw my head back and let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding.
As I breathed in again, I took in the sensual aroma of mint, of my Vade. He was close.
I turned to walk down the hall of springs, knowing that would give me time to absorb and process my last few hours.
These springs divided into several vast halls, but one hall was meant for only Vade and me. In that hall, we did not see the dimensions below; we saw our lines, not their sensual private moments, but their path, their challenges. We could look forward and see all their woes and guide them away from harm. Of course, they always had the choice to take in the symbols and signs we were giving them or find their own way. Thankfully, those under our care usually recognized our hand and would follow it.
That was the hall I found Vade. It was the only one that had a spring at the end and on each side. When you stepped down it, a wall behind you would form. You could literally stand in the center and watch all of your creation bloom.
I couldn’t clearly see what he was gazing at through the mass of souls that the springs were producing, but it didn’t matter anyway; the second he sensed me, the water he was gazing at turned black as he turned to face me.
“You called?” I said, raising one brow, ensuring that each step I took reflected the power and supremacy that I had used around him for quite some time.
“I was thinking of you. Did you sense that?” he asked as his eyes slowly moved across me.
I was a bit relieved by that. I’d thought he’d heard how insubordinate Silas had been and I was about to get one of his carefully plotted lessons on how to control and lead my line.
“Must have been some powerful thoughts...your energy moved the air, and your scent was intense.”
The boyish smile I adored so much consumed his alluring image as I reached his side and his powerful hands gripped my waist and he leaned his forehead against mine. “They were of our past…and the future I ache for.”
“Do tell,” I whispered, falling into the gentle sway his hands were guiding me into. I hoped that the Creator had released His words, that Vade was finding the strength to finally tell me what secrets he was protecting.
“I’d rather show you,” he murmured.
At that moment, his regal suit vanished. Now, dark stone washed jeans that hung just right off his hips dressed him, along with a deep crimson shirt. My clothes had changed, too. Now I was wearing a simple summer dress; the blue was so deep that it was nearly as black as the sandals on my feet.
I took in a sharp breath as I remembered the last time I’d worn this.
In the next instant, I was sitting in the passenger seat of a 1967 Chevy Impala. It was painted a deep red and had black flames across the hood, a hood that had the powerful motor protruding out of it.
Vade was in the driver’s seat, sinfully smiling at me. When he turned the key, the roar of the engine vibrated the seat I was on and sent a shocking hum through my core, followed by an addictive rush of adrenaline.
It was dark outside, and a long, straight road was in front of us. He hit the gas, and the engine not only obeyed the command but also roared in agreement, as we thrust forward.
This was one of our firsts.
I had lived a very sheltered and abused life before Vade and the Creator had come for me. And even though the Creator had spent a great deal of time with me, I was still childlike. I was constantly tense and tried aimlessly to be everything both Vade and the Creator thought I was. I tried to hide the timid girl that knew without a doubt that she would wake from the dream I was in and find myself in my mother’s hell.
Any other king would have expected me to come to his side and take in his lessons and move forward with the undeserved role I was chosen to play.
But Vade was not any other king. He asked me very tenderly if he could hold me through all my firsts. I thought he wanted us to consummate our relationship, that he was gracefully asking if he could touch me. Timidly, I offered him a shy nod as I kept my eyes down, but consummation was not what he was speaking of, at least not at our beginning.
Instead, he asked me to meet him at dusk, to wear something that made me feel comfortable, that it was warm where we were going.
This simple dress on me was the only thing I could manage to manifest back then. I’d never worn anything more than rags, dirty ones at that, and I had no idea how to dress for a first anything with a king. I hoped against all hope that the dress I’d chosen was not only sensual, but also managed to capitalize on my youth
and inexperience.
Vade told me I was breathtaking, and I thought the same of him. I thought that in those jeans of his he looked younger, more approachable and most definitely more playful.
I didn’t even know what a car was and was apprehensive when he opened the door for me and shut me in. I was relieved when he climbed in but still didn’t understand what we were doing. “This car is a powerful one, one that makes me feel free when I drive it,” he’d said gently to me as he turned the key and the engine roared to life. I jumped back in my seat as my soul pulsed out of control.
I will never forget that smile on his face, the wonder in his eyes when he gazed at me. “You make me appreciate everything when you let me stand at your side,” he’d said when he leaned over me and my skin blushed. He held my stare as he carefully strapped the belt around me. “You do not need this in the form you are in now, but I want you to feel safe.” I nodded nervously, still not understanding how this had anything to do with what I thought he had planned for that night.
That night, and several after it, all we did was go on wild joy rides. The windows were down, letting in the balmy summer air, and enticing music was blaring through the speakers in sync with the song of nature in the tall fields that framed the road we always traveled on. I could still remember the spike of fever he gave me when he gently reached to hold my hand for the first time. It was so innocent, yet sensual.
Tonight, though, time stood between us. Nights that had not only consummated our rush but capitalized on it were between us. So sitting here now, I shouldn’t feel like the timid girl I was then. I shouldn’t feel these butterflies in my core. But I did. I suppose the memory was strong enough to pull me back.
As we raced down this never-ending road, I reached my hand out the window and felt the warm air against my skin, inhaled the complex yet simple scent of the night. I could not help laughing aloud, feeling that youthful awe that I felt back then once again.
My laughter pushed him to drive faster, to turn up the music a little louder. His arm stretched out behind me, wafting his intoxicating scent in my direction. I pulled my arm in and took the silent invitation he had offered, sliding across the seat so my body was against his, something I had done long ago, a move that caught him off guard for an instant, but then he gently let his arm fall around me.